Friday, March 13, 2009

A New Endeavor...

I've recently found a fun lil way to waste time on my couch while still learning/feeling productive. What is this glorious, seemingly impossible find you might ask? Photoshop. There's something so deliciously fun and irritating about attempting to teach myself Photoshop that I just can't get enough of it. I've started with what I thought would be a good place to start- altering photos I've taken. Below I've posted my first 3 pics of the Chicago skyline that I altered.

I also created the new header above... I'm not a huge fan by anymeans, but you've got to start somewhere right?

+> Ciao

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Another Note...

The files will be updated ASAP... It will be somewhat of a drastic change I will pre-warn. You'll be pleasantly surprised I think.

Get excited!


The 18th Coming...

So I obviously have been slagging for the past almost 6 months, but I've decided to try this whole blogging thing yet again... I've got motivation this time too- 3 words: Ultra Music Festival.


I will be in attendance for my first time this year at UMF 11 so I plan to come back to my snowy home after a rockin' week in Miami with a multitude of stories and pictures. We'll see how it all pans out, a girl can hope for the best!

In the meantime, here is a SICK new find from Neon Gold.

+> Ciao

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Hyper Crush at Lumen: 9/19/2008

The move and beginning of school caused a severe hiatus, but with the attendance of 3 awesome shows and a plethora of more to come I'm coming back!

To start, HYPER CRUSH came to Chicago!!! I could not express my excitement for this event enough and managed to gather a group to come with me to dance around to this LA-based group. In a festive spirit we drank fitting spirits: vodka and Crush. Cheesy? Absolutely! Delicious? Of course !

While I got the feeling that a lot of the crowd had not been blasting Hyper Crush in the several days leading up to their show at Lumen as I had been, the half that decided to step away from the bar and rock their free glow sticks with pride, all the while dancing like maniacs, had a great time! When the show culminated with 'The Arcade' I'm pretty sure I almost fell off of the table I was standing on several times. When dancing on elevated surfaces, one most remember to watch the edge... That aside, the group was super fun live and really friendly.

Here are pics I got with them:
"Preston makes the beat drop" ... with a keytar

"Holly baby"...
"They call [him] Donny"...

Check out their web site for "The Arcade" video and gear. While I'm a little put off that Audrina on The Hills was rocking a Hyper Crush T-shirt in a more recent episode, I shouldn't hate on the fact that they're getting publicity...

+> Cheers

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

This is a CRIME

I cannot even believe this Maserati Burberry edition. I think I just puked in my mouth a bit....

+> Cheers!

"How Google Earth Helped Win A Gold Medal" always has interesting posts, but I felt this one would be interesting for not only tech lovers (such as myself) but others who read my posts as well. Who's possibly tired of hearing about the Olympics and how America rocks? I know I'm not...

Go America!

+> Cheers

Red Bull Flugtag!

That's right! It's that time of year when many hopefuls pour their blood, sweat, and tears into a flying contraption in which to launch themselves off of a ramp into a body of water in the hopes of 'flying' the furthest. The body of water this year: Lake Michigan! I will definitely be hitting up North Ave. beach to watch people smash themselves up and down the lake for my own personal enjoyment.

The details are here.

Hopefully I'll be able to post some good pictures, or just pics of my happy debauchery from that pleasant Saturday afternoon...

+> Cheers!